'Our Towns'
0 comment Friday, August 1, 2014 |
'Our Town' no more
Dimitri Vassilaros writes in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review:
Illegal aliens are spreading throughout America after skipping across the border with Mexico. And because of that, every town in this republic could be a border town. Except in Hawaii.
[note: see this article; even Hawaii isn't exempt.Nor Alaska.]
And Vassilaros goes on:
The absolute lawlessness encouraged by President George W. Bush is the magnet that draws the illegal aliens. But what happens when a municipality is inundated with illegals? Tom Fitton is spreading the word that someday soon, every town could be Los Angeles."
Fitton is the president of Judicial Watch, a group which promotes the rule of law and fights government corruption. He and his group are attempting via a lawsuit of overturn Los Angeles's 'sanctuary' law, Special Rule 40, which makes it illegal for local law enforcement officials to inquire about the immigration status of individuals, and even forbids police officers to cooperate with federal immigration officials. Many municipalities have a similar rule protecting illegals.
According to this article
It cannot be denied that Special Order 40 and the policies, practices, and procedures arising thereunder violate both the letter and spirit of [federal law],'' Judicial Watch argued in a legal memorandum filed with the court on July 14. ''The LAPD has adopted what is in effect a 'Don�t Ask, Don�t Tell' policy with respect to immigration status.''
Vassilaros points out in his Tribune-Review piece that just about any town in the United States might be a target in the invasion. There are countless stories out there of small towns being overwhelmed by a surge of illegals (and legal immigrants too, often 'refugees' transplanted there by do-gooder Church organizations, such as those who have imported Hmongs and Somalis, as in the case of Lewiston, Maine.)
Vassilaros' evocation of the 'Our Town' setting, which was the fictitious small town of Grover's Corners, NH, brings the further irony that the real-life counterpart of Grover's Corners is probably now being targeted by the 'diversity' pushers. This piece from the New Hampshire Bar Journal details the story of the settlement of thousands of refugees in New Hampshire in recent years.
Of course to the writers of this article, this is an unmixed good, with the following telling sentence:
Immigrants and refugees find an overall atmosphere of welcome and interest in diversifying what is nearly an all-white culture. [Emphasis mine]
Ah, here's the crux of it: New Hampshire is too white. Our rulers on high have decided that every area is to enjoy the wonderful benefits of 'diversity', especially the 'diversity' which is of Third World origin, and the more exotic and alien, the better. Homogeneity, bad; diversity, good.
White, bad; multiracial, good.
This article from 2001 describes the efforts of Iowa governor Tom Vilsack to 'diversify' Iowa. Now no doubt Vilsack was just carrying out the policies dictated from those faceless 'diversicrats' who seem to decide things behind closed doors, but nevertheless this kind of policy is an affront to American citizens. At the bottom of it is the unmistakable idea that Iowa as it existed was somehow deficient, as was 'nearly all-white' New Hampshire. Some of the arguments from the liberal diversicrats in Iowa described Iowa as 'sterile', apparently meaning too homogeneous. So traditional America is 'sterile' without a grab-bag of multicultural, multilingual 'diversity.'
There's little room for doubt that all this diversity-mongering is a deliberate policy to alter America forever, without the consent of the governed. without the consent of the American citizenry, And that is so profoundly un-American, because it is diametrically opposed to the principles set forth for this country in our founding documents. And still, too many of us are disengaged, passive, indifferent to what is happening to our country. A small number of others are very engaged -- in transforming our country, in marginalizing and neutralizing the American majority. Still, a few more are awakening to the danger, and getting irate enough to stand up and object to what is being done.
As Vassilaros' article points out, we are none of us immune from the effects of the nationwide transformation of our country. It used to be true that urban areas were most likely to be colonized by third-world immigrants, but now obviously small-town America is being transformed, too. This is tragic, because much of the best of American life belongs to the small towns.
The town of Hazelton, PA, for example, has recently been in the news for its 'Illegal Immigration Relief Act', which is a heroic effort to preserve the town against illegal invaders.
Hazelton and its mayor, Lou Barletta, have been under attack by the pro-open borders legions, with headlines calling them 'xenophobes' and the usual mindless insults. Kudos to Mayor Barletta for his efforts, and I hope he and the town of Hazelton continue to defend against the illegal onslaught. I think every time someone like Mayor Barletta and Tom Fitton and others make a stand against the destruction of our way of life, it encourages and emboldens others to do the same. We need this spirit to spread throughout the country.
It's easy to lose heart, when the MSM barrage us with pro-illegal, pro-open borders agitprop. It discourages us and promotes resignation and fatalism when only one side of the issue is allowed to be heard. And that, I think, is the purpose of much of the media coverage. But here and there, some hopeful signs break through.
Maybe the 'Our Town' atmosphere of Wilder's fictional Grover's Corners is gone forever; after all, it depicts a time and place which have been changed irrevocably, even without an invasion from the Third World. But the message of Wilder's play was timeless. I remember being very moved by it when I first saw it; the message was about the sweetness of the familiar; about living to the fullest the small moments, cherishing the people and the places and the mundane events of our everyday lives. It's about the preciousness of the things we often take for granted, or undervalue in this age: home, family, tradition, stability. All the things that our 'postmodern' world diminishes. Those of us who truly love our towns and our countries should be doing what we can to preserve what the good, to protect the uniqueness of the places we know and love, and to try to stave off the rapid changes which imperil everything familiar and comforting. Certainly no one who considers himself a patriotic American, much less a conservative, should acquiesce in the theft of our country and our heritage. If those of us who claim to be conservative fall asleep on our watch, and fail to protect all that is familiar and all that is home, who will preserve those things? It's up to us to hold onto the legacy passed on to us, before it is just a dim memory. Maybe our task is first to awaken the sleepwalkers among us, and help people to break free of the Politically Correct conditioning which is paralyzing or numbing so many of us. But the hour is late, and there's a lot to be done.
And we are the only ones to do it.
