How did we get from there to here?
0 comment Wednesday, May 7, 2014 |
Despite the skepticism toward Takuan Seiyo which I expressed in an earlier post, I found his latest installment of the 'Meccania to Atlantis' series a worthwhile read. It's called The True Horrors in Hitchcock Films.
He uses the dramatic changes in San Francisco since the mid-20th century as an illustration of the changes in all of America since then, and I think it's apt. Granted, San Francisco is not what I would call 'typical' traditional America; it may well have been closer to that at an earlier time in its existence, but by the time I first visited it in the late 60s, at a time of my youthful naivete, it was already rather a law unto itself, with topless bars and men dressed as women, and of course Haight-Ashbury, with its bizarre display.
Seiyo, however, contrasts the San Francisco of Hitchcock's 'Vertigo' with the sci-fi version of San Francisco in the 21st century, with its air of brazen decadence. I had to smile at his mention of the Chinese-American lesbian police chief, who has been conspicuous in TV news coverage of San Francisco, dressed in a uniform which looks as though it was designed for a male of considerably larger proportions. That itself is rather appropriate in an ironic way, and it's a testament to how insanely devoted to political correctness our age has become.
I've written on several occasions about my love for old movies, by which I really mean old, not five years old, but real old relics of the pre-PC era. I've written about how watching such movies often leaves me with a wistful feeling, evoking my childhood memories of real America, traditional America, before we were forcibly 'enriched' with 'diversity', and before we were taught to speak and think in that quaintly sinister language of euphemisms and lies called 'political correctness.'
Sometimes old movies cause a feeling of nostalgia and longing for the past, but sometimes they inspire a fierce, smoldering indignation at what has been done to my country, and at what is still being done.
Old movies can be an educational experience for those who have enough common sense to notice the jarring disconnect between the old America on the screen and the 'new' America which they see around them. The new and 'improved', diverse America is graffiti-defaced, crowded, often squalid, full of people who are strangers to each other in every possible way.
Whenever I speak about the lost world of the old movies, somebody, usually someone of the liberal or leftist persuasion, will bluntly claim that 'that world never existed. The movies whitewashed things and censored things, covering up the injustices and hatreds that were really there.' And the leftist or liberal is always adept at finding some flaw or failing in the old America: ''people were sexist and misogynist! There were no African-Americans in these movies except in subservient roles!"
My response is that while the movies may have presented a slightly manicured and polished version of reality, the underlying truth of old America was presented as it was. So when we see the well-dressed, presentable, civilized citizens of San Francisco, we are seeing the America that truly existed then, which was an America of mostly clean, well-behaved people, a place where order and common sense and civility still prevailed.
Seiyo mentions the role played by mass immigration in the drastic transformation of California, from the images seen in Vertigo and in 'North by Northwest'. This goes without saying. but it's amazing how few people seem to want to see a connection; many people act as if what is happening to California or to their own towns is some kind of fluke, due to blind forces of nature, rather than a conscious, malicious policy.
I know I have visited these themes repeatedly, but I will pose the same questions again, even if I am only asking myself: what happened to the people who inhabited the old America, the people who are seen as the extras in the Hitchcock movies? Are they all dead and six feet under now? Some, obviously, are still with us, but how did the good, common-sense inhabitants of the old America become the docile, vacant, 'pod people' as Seiyo calls them, of today? How did they go from sanity to becoming PC pod people, acquiescing meekly and passively to this grotesque experiment that is being carried out on our country and our people?
We can revisit the same explanations: brainwashing, due to leftist control of the media and the educational system; the fall of organized Christianity to the same pernicious influences, the culture of passivity reinforced by TV and video-game addictions, the therapeutic culture, which accentuates narcissism and neurotic self-obsession, the hedonism which diverts the attention and the energy of many young people who should be exercising leadership. We could go on and on. Some focus on the Jewish role in all this; some say Christianity is to blame (although Christianity's influence is waning), some say it's feminism and the destruction of the family. Some even suggest that the fluoride in our water supply induces passivity.
There are elements of truth, I think, in all of these.
If we believe any of these, or all of these, does heredity hold the power that I believe it does? Certainly heredity is not all, but neither is its influence negligible or nil, as leftists and tabula rasa believers insist. Are we merely passive products of our environment? Can we go from being self-respecting, self-confident, assertive, sensible people to being vacant receptacles for propaganda in such a short time, as the deterioration of our society suggests?
If the former is true, if environment is paramount and people can be shaped or re-shaped by the manipulative elites, then there seems little hope, since they hold all the cards, it appears. But if there is such a thing as hereditary influence on temperament and character, then perhaps we might hope that our ancestors' strength will re-assert itself.
I have not mentioned the idea that our problem is in large part a spiritual deficit; we've abandoned the faith of our fathers and we've made ourselves idols, among them self and pleasure and power. Many of us place our faith in flawed human beings or institutions, which is not what our forefathers counseled, and not what Christianity teaches.
Many of those who call themselves Christians are being led astray by 'wolves in sheep's clothing', either church leaders or popular writers of 'religious' books. Some are being led astray by political wolves in sheeps's clothing, or political parties and personages (Republicans, mainly) which become idols for some Christians. In any case, we are in need of a spiritual awakening as well as a political one.
I get the sense that things are accelerating, and being moved along very fast now; it's evident in some of the news stories that are being discussed here and elsewhere. Are they testing the waters? Trying to provoke a response from the few holdouts who haven't fully submitted?
Whether the 'elites' are intending it or not, they are showing their hand; it's obvious now that there is an agenda, a 'new world order' plan, and that all Western countries are on the same track. Their brazenness can help things for us; it might alert some of the somnolent ones among us, and it might also show us just how passive most people have become.
I say as I've always said that it's always the few who bring about real changes; the question is, will it be the few who are truly driving this multicult madness, or will it be the few on our side, the patriots, the people who love their kin and honor their fathers?

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