America's ''birth defect''
0 comment Tuesday, May 6, 2014 |
We've heard Obama and his groupies refer to America's ''original sin'' of slavery and now we have Condoleezza Rice saying that our country is defective from birth.
Now may we please dispense with the nonsense that Miss Rice is a 'conservative' and that she is above the race-baiting and politically correct victimolatry? She is a liberal with an R after her name, but a liberal nonetheless.
I still believe that 99.9999 percent of blacks, whether they vote Republican or Democrat, or neither, think in terms of their race 100 percent of the time, and truly cannot see beyond their sense of racial grievance and entitlement.
Even the much-venerated Thomas Sowell, who is the darling of the 'colorblind conservatives', resorts to racial excuse-making when he does write about black dysfunction (which granted, he does not often write about), as in his book called 'Black Rednecks and White Liberals'. In that work he blames 'cracker culture,' the Scots-Irish culture of the South, for influencing African slaves in America towards
'' aversion to work, proneness to violence, neglect of education, sexual promiscuity, improvidence, drunkenness, lack of entrepreneurship,� and a style of religious oratory marked by strident rhetoric, unbridled emotions, and flamboyant imagery.''
Shelby Steele, too, continues to write about white guilt, which he seems to imply is justified, although he says some things that white conservatives, eagerly seeking black counterparts, read as being somewhat conservative in tone.
''People often deny white guilt by pointing to its irrationality--"I never owned a slave," "My family got here eighty years after slavery was over." But of course almost nothing having to do with race is rational. That whites are now stigmatized by their race is not poetic justice; it is simply another echo of racism's power to contaminate by mere association.
It seems Steele focuses exclusively on the 'black experience', as do almost all black people in any area of public life. Everything is about race, and about their victimhood and grievances. Now, if we really are all the same under the skin, as the politically correct faithful insist, why are there not more blacks who can step outside their blackness and their victimhood once in a while?
Obviously Condi Rice cannot do that. She has made numerous and gratuitous references to her childhood in the Jim Crow South, and alludes to various traumatic events she suffered as a child -- such as the time a store clerk told her not to touch merchandise. That's an example of the very kind of thing I mentioned yesterday, in which blacks interpret every unpleasant social interaction as 'racism.' I have news for Miss Condoleezza: most of us, as children, were scolded or warned by store clerks not to touch things. However more often than not, our parents scolded and warned us first that we weren't to touch things or pick them up. But Condi's mother, according to the story, defiantly told Condi to pick up whatever she wanted, as if this was an act of principled civil disobedience or something.
The rest of us, had our mothers defied store clerks and told us to do as we pleased in a department store, would have been shown the door and probably told, curtly, not to come back.
Now Condoleezza is lecturing us about our national birth defects:
''Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said yesterday that the United States still has trouble dealing with race because of a national "birth defect" that denied black Americans the opportunities given to whites at the country's very founding.
"Black Americans were a founding population," she said. "Africans and Europeans came here and founded this country together � Europeans by choice and Africans in chains. That's not a very pretty reality of our founding."
As a result, Miss Rice told editors and reporters at The Washington Times, "descendants of slaves did not get much of a head start, and I think you continue to see some of the effects of that."
"That particular birth defect makes it hard for us to confront it, hard for us to talk about it, and hard for us to realize that it has continuing relevance for who we are today," she said.''
In what sense were blacks the co-founders of America? That is just overcompensating rhetoric. I am sorry that Rice feels that she and her family have been eternally wronged by America (although she protests that black people loved America even when we 'didn't love them') but there is no honest way in which we can say that Africans founded America, or were a 'founding population.' We have had to put up with and assent to such lies and distortions for the past several decades and some of us are getting mightily fed up with the fairytales and delusions, no matter that they supposedly have the good intention of making people 'feel better about themselves.' The truth is the truth, and a lie is a lie, no matter how benevolently intended.
And what makes us hard to confront and talk about this history is not that it is a 'birth defect', whatever that means, but because we always have to hold our tongues and submit to harangues and sermons and accusations, most of which are rife with falsehoods, and we cannot speak in defense of our ancestors without being called 'racists'. That, Miss Rice, is why it's so hard to 'confront it,' and 'talk about it.' And it will always be hard to confront it as long as you and yours are intent on telling lies and fables and expecting us to agree and submit.
As far as blacks being a 'founding population', records indicate they didn't arrive in Jamestown until a dozen years after its founding, and until nine years after the Pilgrims founded their colonies in New England. How can you found something which was fully established before you even arrived? And how can someone who supposedly arrived in chains, knowing nothing of the culture and the technology in the new colonies, 'found' or help found those colonies? That is simply nonsense.
How long do we have to humor these fantasists? How long do we have to play along with their game of 'let's pretend"? We are grown people; we should be able to speak the truth and go from there. We should all be able to acknowledge reality even if it doesn't allow us to exaggerate our own importance and aggrandize ourselves at someone else's expense.
The worst part of this grand game of 'let's pretend' is that our younger generations, our children, are denied the truth; they are being taught that their ancestors were just the perennial bad guys who stole and cheated and enslaved. Our children will never have an accurate picture of our people and our common past as long as we have to play these games and feign belief in these stories about the past. Our progeny are being denied their right to their own history, and being made to be scapegoats for the imagined 'original sin' and 'birth defects' of the bad old America of the past.

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