Is it anti-Americanism or...?
0 comment Wednesday, October 15, 2014 |
During this ongoing Obama-Jeremiah Wright controversy, I have been hearing a great deal of commentary from the mainstream 'right' which repeatedly uses the term 'anti-American' in condemning Wright.
I noticed in surfing past Fox News that they keep harping on Wright's 'anti-American' statements.
Is this just an oblique way of criticizing his anti-white statements? Is it more politically correct to say 'anti-American' rather than anti-white? After all, if the 'conservatives' on Fox News or the big Republican forums want to criticize Wright or Obama, they cannot criticize his anti-white beliefs without themselves appearing to be pro-white. And it's still verboten to be pro-white -- even in those 'right-wing' cable TV discussions.
Yes, Wright in his diatribes (I wouldn't dignify them by describing them as sermons) denounces the actions of the U.S. Government, specifically, as when he is haranguing in the video about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. That might be called 'anti-American' or at least anti-American government. But when he starts his accusations about HIV being cooked up in a laboratory for 'genocidal' purposes against black folks, then he is accusing whites as a group of diabolical actions and intentions. This is anti-white, not anti-American.
Wright is denouncing us as a race, and we are not allowed to defend ourselves in those terms.
But how do we denounce specifically anti-white propaganda without being, you know, pro-white? There's the PC dilemma.
This sums up our position in a nutshell. We are under siege in many different ways, and yet we are not free to defend ourselves verbally; to do so in most instances means we will be called names and shouted down, and for some, it may mean a loss of livelihood and it may mean social stigma and harassment by the armies of 'tolerance.' For people in some Western countries, defending our people, whites, may mean being subject to some kind of charge of 'hate speech' or other such thought-crime allegations.
In this context, it is understandable that people carefully frame this controversy in acceptable terms, making it about 'anti-Americanism.' But how long, I wonder, before someone will say that being pro-American is 'divisive, exclusive, and xenophobic'? Political correctness has a way of spreading and our freedom of expression is thus diminishing by the encroachment of PC.
But passively submitting to these strictures only weakens our position. At some point, people have to refuse to continue to conform, and break the taboos. The cowards in political office will not be the ones to do so, nor the media lackeys. It will have to start elsewhere. If enough of us stop meekly accepting these limitations on our speech and thought, we might reach that critical mass which makes it possible to break through the conditioning.
We can't continue being afraid to claim our racial identity. Everybody else has a racial identity, and racial pride, except Anglo-Americans. We are the only people, despite our supposed 'dominance' of this country, who are not allowed to speak up in defense of ourselves when attacked as a race by people like Wright or the Mexican revanchists or whoever else is slandering us on any given day.

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