(Late) summer reading
0 comment Thursday, September 25, 2014 |

What books are my readers reading? It would be interesting to hear your choices of reading material.
Although I don't seem to have enough time to read, other than the news and blogging-related reading, I recently found a copy, in one of my favorite second-hand book sellers, of Harold Lamb's 1930 book, 'Iron Men and Saints', which is about the Crusades. I've only just started reading it, but I like Lamb's writing style, and apparently his histories were fairly well-regarded.
The book itself is a nicely-bound volume, and in wonderful condition, so I was thrilled to find it. I love the old books, and of course, for me, histories written in the era before Political Correctness are a must.
Has anybody out there read the book?
Or what are my readers reading?

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