Patriots Day and our history
0 comment Monday, May 12, 2014 |
On April 18-19 1775, the famous 'midnight ride of Paul Revere' occurred. On that night, British troops were approaching Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts. One Dr. Joseph Warren, in an effort to get the word out to the local militias, sent William Dawes and Paul Revere out to warn of the approaching British. Dawes and Revere rode out along with Samuel Prescott to spread the warning. Along the way, all were captured by the British, but it was Prescott who escaped to successfully reach Concord and alert the militias Their efforts enabled the defenders to withstand the British, and history was made.
There was a time in this country when all schoolchildren knew this story; they could probably recite by heart the lines from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow " 'Twas the eighteenth of April, in '75/ Hardly a man is now alive/ Who remembers that famous day and year.'' Now, of course, these tales of American history are fading from national memory. It can truly be said that 'hardly a man is now alive who remembers.' The reason? The liberal assault on our national traditions and history. These accounts are just the doings they say, of 'dead white men' who were racist, sexist, elitist, and not worthy of our honor. Now children are taught, (if they are taught any history at all) a revised version of history in which the 'victimized' groups assume a starring role. The more 'oppressed' a particular group, the more attention and honor is accorded to them. So Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott take a back seat to more politically correct heroes.
In the very liberal Boston Globe, Gordon S. Wood writes a column actually advocating a study of American History and emphasizing the importance of history as a unifying the American people and fostering a national identity.
While I can't agree with everything he says, it's gratifying to see someone speaking out for American history and traditions.
I disagree with Wood only on his assertion that our American national identity had to be created from whole cloth; he implies that American nationality is an artificial creation, and our nation is a cobbled-together entity, as opposed to an organic nation which grows naturally. I disagree because the founders of this country were for the most part a homogeneous group of people; most had their origins in the British Isles, specifically England, and shared a common religion and heritage. Among the three men who took part in the famous ride on "the 18th of April, in '75", two were of English descent, while Paul Revere was of French Huguenot descent. In any case, their commonalities outweighed their differences; they came from a common cultural matrix. Now, however, with a socially-engineered America which is indeed an artificial creation, a multicultural patchwork, some unifying factor is sorely need to prevent further cracks in our national facade; Wood is correct in his view that a grounding in American history is crucial to maintaining a cohesive nation.
This is no doubt why the malcontent leftists among us want to deconstruct our history and our traditions and replace it with their own revisionist litany of grievances.
George Orwell said, "Who controls the past, controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past."
Time to take back control of our past and with it, our future.
Happy Patriots Day, America.

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