Looking back, looking forward
0 comment Tuesday, May 13, 2014 |
The name of the first month of the year, January, comes from the Roman god, Janus, who was two-headed, with one head facing forward and the other, backward.
As we come to the end of another year, it's natural to look forward. But it's necessary first to look back and take stock, and muse on both achievements and setbacks, in our personal lives as well as in the world and the country.
At the end of 2007 I see immigration as still the number one issue facing our country (and probably the West in general) just as I did at the start of this year. And it does not take psychic powers to predict that immigration, whether our corrupt leaders acknowledge it or not, will be the most pressing issue in 2008. Not 'terror' and not the Middle East perpetual war, but borders and immigration and the threat to the very character of our country. Underlying this situation, of course, is the deeper issue of our out-of-touch, remote elites, and the fact that our government is completely detached from the will of the people, and by all appearances, indifferent at best to those they claim to represent and serve. At worst, they are more or less openly hostile to us, and seem to have declared war on us. Beyond that fact is the nagging question of why so many of us seem blithely oblivious to that state of affairs, and are happily prepared to vote for more of the same of what is doing us in. It is as though a patient is being slowly poisoned by his doctor, to whom he is slavishly attached, and continues to use the same doctor although his health is obviously failing and his life is ebbing. We need some new physicians, folks. As it is, it looks like we have the political equivalents of Dr. Kevorkian attending to us, and we don't want to admit it.
In some ways, however, the state of our country shows a few hopeful signs. It does seem as though there are increasing signs of awakenings, and of a resurgent sense of our national consciousness, after decades of decline and of multicultural indoctrination.
I see this in little ways, in everyday conversations among everyday people; there are a few rumblings here and there, although they are not nearly as vigorous as they ought to be.
In other ways, the signs are discouraging. The country, like the rest of the West, is seemingly farther down the road toward demographic transformation than we were last year. If the latest Census Bureau figures, released the other day, are accurate, we in America are now receiving another 'migrant' every 30 seconds. That is a staggering figure to contemplate, and it is probably a low estimate, like all the immigration statistics fed us by our mendacious bureaucrats.
So as our country heads toward multicultural oblivion, the question now is whether we can act to stop or even slow down the changes to our country.
Obviously, I am still here blogging away, and still doing what I can in whatever way I can, refusing to give in to resignation or fatalism. Yet there are those out there who preach those attitudes, the most recent and egregious example being the Dallas Morning News editorial staff, with their smarmy, politically correct paean to the Illegal Immigrant as 'Texan of the Year.'
In response, I nominate the Dallas News editorial staff as Turncoat of the Year.
That disgraceful column needs to be dealt with in another blog entry, but for now I will just say that, bad as it is, it is just one more example of a long-running campaign by the ideologues of the old media, who are the greatest friends the illegal invaders could ever pray to have. They work tirelessly, these media propagandists, to create sympathy for illegal (and legal) immigrants, regardless of the merit of the immigrants. And just to vary up their propaganda, they switch from the tearjerker mode to the cynical 'embrace-the-inevitable', lie-back-and-enjoy-it, line.
They serve the same function that Tokyo Rose served for the Japanese government in World War II. They work 24/7 at wearing us down, making us resigned, and then alternately berating us as bigots and racists. They are demoralizing many people, but I wonder if they are overplaying their paltry hand, and actually provoking a backlash by arousing the ire of many otherwise disengaged readers.
So we must not give in and accept the invitation to passivity by accepting the idea that 'we can't deport 12 million people' and 'we need immigrants to keep our economy afloat' and all the rest of those unprovable assertions.
So many of the often-repeated mantras which resurface in every conversation or discussion about this issue refuse to go away. For example, my long-time readers will know that the phrase that I find most irksome and stupid is some variation of "as long as it's legal, I have no problem with any immigration. It's only the illegal kind I object to.' Yet this phrase lingers on, with few people challenging it. Why? Is it just habit, by now? Or are people really so obtuse that they can't see the problem with that statement? Or are people so self-conscious about any statement that might be called 'racist' that they hurry to cover themselves? If I accomplish one thing in 2008 I would like to get people to stop saying that phrase or any variation thereof.
Another variation I see on places like Free Republic is 'I'm not anti-immigrant, I'm anti-ILLEGAL immigrant.' This is said triumphantly in response to some article which refers to 'anti-immigration activists' and it is seen as a refutation of the 'anti-immigrant' label and a foolproof defense against the race card. Wrong. The opposition considers everybody who is not pro-open borders as racist. Period. You can cover yourself with protestations about legality and illegality and it makes not a whit of difference. To the opposition, all desire to control immigration, even in the most modest and limited fashion, is bigotry.
Let them call names. Stop playing their game by their rules. They win as long as we do that.
If we are going to prevail in this struggle, we have to stop counterproductive habits like the Politically Correct protestations about legality and illegality. Those who think that legality would make mass immigration just dandy are just not thinking.
Another unhealthy (but more politically incorrect) attitude I encounter is that of playing one minority group off against another. I hear a distressing number of people saying that 'the illegals have a much better work ethic than blacks.' What's that got to do with anything? Some people because they have had negative interactions with blacks will express a kind of Schadenfreude about illegals displacing blacks from jobs or from neighborhoods. I don't see anything to be pleased about there. And I don't see any proof of the supposed superiority of illegal Hispanics as compared to blacks.
Wishing for illegals to supplant American-born blacks is misguided to say the least.
One of the biggest obstacles to the recovery of our country is not only our corrupt political system, but their enablers in the media. However, for now, at least, we have the Internet, with some alternative voices being heard that would never get a chance in our controlled media. And the Internet, for now, is relatively free, though there are efforts to suppress real alternative voices.
We have to make the best possible use of the freedom we still have, while we still have it, and 2008 will be a crucial year, I think, not only because of the upcoming election but because I think we are coming to a point of no return. If we don't succeed in regaining our sense of ourselves and our traditions, and a common purpose, if we continue to be divided amongst ourselves while enemies come in and pillage our deteriorating homelands, we will have lost the opportunity we had.
There's still time. I believe that, and I will go into the New Year with a resolve to do all that I can. I hope that all people of goodwill have that same determination.

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