Which generation is least politically correct?
0 comment Tuesday, July 15, 2014 |
Recently Howard Dean said that older Whites, typified by the Tea Party participants, are the group that has the biggest 'problem with diversity'. He said that this was more or less the 'last gasp' of what I term the old America.
Now, MSNBC's Chris Matthews, he of the 'leg tingle', echoes Dean's remarks.
MATTHEWS: It means�it�s significant. I think older Americans, older white people still have a problem with this guy. [Obama - VA]
MATTHEWS: And I think that�s a generalization and I�ll stick with it. I think younger people do not see race as an obstacle. I don�t think�I think, they�re much more non-judgmental. In fact, about ethnicity, they just say that�s not relevant�In fact, they say it�s irrelevant and don�t even notice it, whereas older people notice it all the time.''
So is it true, that older White people are 'more racist'?
According to Pew Research, if we look at the voting patterns by age we see that
In the last three general elections - 2004, 2006, and 2008 -- young voters have given the Democratic Party a majority of their votes, and for all three cycles they have been the party's most supportive age group. This year, 66% of those under age 30 voted for Barack Obama making the disparity between young voters and other age groups larger than in any presidential election since exit polling began in 1972.
[...] Among voters ages 18-29, a 19-point gap now separates Democratic party affiliation (45%) and Republican affiliation (26%). In 2000, party affiliation was split nearly evenly among the young.
Young voters are more diverse racially and ethnically than older voters and more secular in their religious orientation. These characteristics, as well as the climate in which they have come of age politically, incline them not only toward Democratic Party affiliation but also toward greater support of activist government, greater opposition to the war in Iraq, less social conservatism, and a greater willingness to describe themselves as liberal politically.''
From another source:
''But the election of 2008 was historic for another reason � students who cast a vote in Tuesday�s presidential election (or mailed in an absentee ballot) were part of the largest ever group in their age bracket to support a single candidate, and the second largest youth voter movement in American history.
Between 22 and 24 million young Americans ages 18�29 voted, resulting in an estimated youth voter turnout (the percentage of eligible voters who actually cast a vote) of between 49.3 and 54.5 percent, according to an exit poll analysis released Nov. 4 by CIRCLE, a nonpartisan research center at Tufts University. This is an increase of 1 to 6 percentage points over the estimated youth turnout in 2004, and an increase of between 8 and 13 percentage points over the turnout in the 2000 election. The all-time highest youth turnout was 55.4 percent in 1972, the first year that 18-year-olds could vote in a presidential election.
Sixty-six percent of young voters cast their ballot for Barack Obama, the largest-ever showing for a presidential candidate in this age group.''
Here, you can see the election results by age group in a visual representation
Looking at another measure of racial attitudes, the attitudes toward racial intermarriage differ. This might be the most telling question.
From my own experience I would say these polls and the voting patterns indicate that Dean and Matthews are right; though what they would call 'racism' or 'bigotry' is simply the remnant of the former majority attitude on racial distinctions. The fact that the succeeding generations have all become steadily more liberal in these matters shows the success of the generations of indoctrination via the media and the educational machine, and all institutions of society, including much of what is left of the Christian church.
There are some who stubbornly claim that it's the oldsters who are liberal old hippies while the younger people are realists. Sorry, but the sources I link here, plus my own eyes and perceptions say just the opposite.
For some people it's handy to blame our elders for all that they find wrong with the world, but there is just no evidence that the older generation is guilty of being the liberal monolith that some say they are.
Of course, there are younger people who are exceptions, and who have old-fashioned politically incorrect attitudes, but they are just that: exceptions, just as are the extremely liberal older people everybody claims to know. In my neighborhood and town, the geezers are the most conservative in all areas of life, and the least conformed to the politically correct doctrines.
That's why many of the cultural Marxists will be dancing on the graves of the last of the 'geezer' generation.

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